Goostrey Railway Station

Goostrey is an attractive rural village in Cheshire, close to the world famous Jodrell Bank Observatory and the Lovell Radio Telescope.  Originally a dispersed farming community, Goostrey is now a mixture of both traditional and newer developments.  There is an annual Arts and Music Festival, Rose Festival for children and families, an historic Gooseberry Show and many other groups and societies.  There is a strong sense of community which ensures that village life is far from dead

The Jodrell Bank Telescope, which has recently been designated a Unesco World heritage Site, has a Discovery Centre that explores the telescope’s activities and provides a number of courses such as Astro Photography.

The station is supported by an active friends group, the group takes care of the gardens around the car park and has close links with local schools that regularly provide art work to brighten up the waiting shelter.

FoGS day-to-day activities:  gardening, sweeping, cleaning, litter picking, fault reporting and working with relevant bodies to improve our Station.

FoGS achievements: 

Over just nine years FoGS has achieved the following:

  • 1 National ACoRP Award
  • 6 Cheshire Best Kept Station Awards
  • 1 Wild About Goostrey Gold Award
  • 6 National ACoRP short-listings

Secured significant sums of money (£170,000.00), with the much appreciated support of the Railway Heritage Trust, to have the Old Station Building beautifully restored.

Commended in Parliament as an Early Day Motion by local MP Fiona Bruce, who has described FoGS as a “model of constructive joint working on the part of local residents of which this community is rightly proud’.

The new Station Building is now home to an Art Studio, which has since been awarded £10,000 by the National Lottery. Website:

A new bicycle shelter has also been installed following receipt of a Grant.

With the enthusiastic involvement of the local community, including the Primary School, Cubs, Beavers, Rainbows, Guides and young people working towards their Duke of Edinburgh Awards, our Station is now a vibrant, cherished and pleasant place to be.”

FoGS new members:  New volunteers can join FoGS by either:


  • Just turning up at one of our Action Days at the Station, which are held between 10am and 1pm on the second Sunday of every month (apart from November, when it is the third Sunday).